28.01.2017: Story-Telling
with Ofri Lapid and Elena Yushina
Aperto Raum, Berlin
Special Guests, in alphabetical order: Jürgen Harten, KAsper König, An Paenhuysen, Rudolf Zwirner
With the support of: René Block, Erika Hoffmann
Invitation : MB Memorial Birthday Party : Story Telling
Dear friends,
We are delighted to cordially invite you, and other honorable guests, to an event of Story Telling, at the annual celebration of the legacy of Marcel BroodthaersThat will be held on January 28th,Which is Broodthaers' birthday and the day he passed away
Saturday, 28. January, 19:00-22:00, at Aperto RaumSophienstraße 21, 2|3 Sophie-Gips-Höfe, 10178 Berlin
Please confirm your attendance at: info@apertoroom.com
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Sincerely yours
Michal B. Ron & Ofri Lapid

Documentation :

Publicity : An Paenhuysen, “Happy Birthday Marcel Broodthaers,” AAAAA PPPPP (January 29, 2017)